the binge-eating files

The binge eating files offer some of the latest research in almost 30 aspects related to eating disorders


The binge eating files — listed alphabetically below and on the sidebar — were first created in 2008 to track information about binge eating disorder (BED) from reputable scientific studies reported by online media.

Since BED — also called compulsive eating, overeating, emotional eating or food addiction — is one of the fastest growing weight-related eating disorders in the world, the research has been growing exponentially.

The pages in these files were compiled for personal and professional reasons, out of a sense of love and service.

Who the binge eating files are for

The research information in these files are for those who seek help and those who provide it

Note that articles and studies are presented by date published.

If you have any questions, or would like more information, or if you encounter a link that is out of date, please let me know via the contact form, or email me at